NTF ELCAC Response to Retired MGen Domingo Tutaan Jr


Retired MGen Domingo Tutaan Jr accuses the NTF ELCAC of instigating the identification of VP Robredo as a tactical ally of the CPP NPA NDF and he says it all started when VP Robredo started gaining massive support.

In the first place, what massive support is he talking about? Last I looked, VP Robredo was around 46 percentage points behind Senator Marcos which, according to experts, translates to around 19.5 million votes.

If anything, what that sounds like is a massive lack of support.T

his mirrors the recent Publicus survey of Robredo getting the highest Total Disapproval and Total Low Trust ratings from our countrymen.

(As a proud aside, it is in this same survey that our President, once again, stood head and shoulders above top officials as the number one most trusted with a whopping 67.2% trust rating- a position he’s consistently held since he sat in office.)

Second, revelations of Leni Robredo colluding with the CPP NPA NDF did not start with the NTF ELCAC but with former top ranking cadres of the CPP NPA NDF- scores of them- who say one and the same thing: Leni Robredo knew it was the CPP NPA NDF she sat with when she agreed to concessions to earn the endorsement of the Central Committee of the CPP NPA NDF by way of its front, the KABAG partylists.

Tutaan has also freely used the mythical term “redtagging” and accused us of it- like the CPP NPA NDF and its allies have.

No less than the Supreme Court has ruled that there is no danger to life, liberty and security when one is identified as a member of CPP NPA NDF (Zarate v Aquino).

Redtagging is a tool used by the CPP NPA NDF and its allies to silence anyone who speaks the truth about their fronts because those fronts are the lifeblood of this terrorist organization.

We hold to a higher standard our soldiers and yet Tutaan seems pathetically in the dark about things ordinary Filipinos now know.

Or maybe there are other more self-serving reasons involved.

One can only imagine the kind of “leader” Tutaan was to his men when he was still in active service.

This makes us appreciate even more the principled stand of Medal for Valor awardee Colonel Ariel Querubin who resigned from his organization because as he says,

“As a soldier and a Medal for Valor awardee who has fought the CPP-NPA (Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army) and a witness to soldiers who died in combat fighting the enemies of the state, I will not support a candidate who has alleged links with our enemies.”

Col Querubin has not forgotten the horrors of war nor has he forgotten the men who fought alongside him and who willingly offered their lives for country.

Tragically, Tutaan seems to have forgotten.

The simple truth is, it was our men and women in uniform who put themselves between us and these terrorists all those 5 decades before the Task Force came into existence.

Our country owes our soldiers and policemen a debt of gratitude we can never hope to repay.

Tutaan also says the NTF ELCAC identifies as CPP NPA NDF anyone who criticizes government.

An unfortunate lie from someone who ought to know better.

The NTF ELCAC identifies as CPP NPA NDF those who are CPP NPA NDF.

NTF ELCAC is Intelligence driven and therefore there is nothing we say that cannot be substantiated with solid evidence.

The destruction of the CPP NPA NDF necessitates the removal of their masks because it is precisely because of the masks they wear that they have been able to hurt us and our children.

It is therefore government’s duty to clearly identify and expose to the Filipino people the members, fronts and various methods of deceit employed by the CPP NPA NDF.

So no, Tutaan is wrong when he says the NTF ELCAC identifies as CPP NPA NDF anyone that criticizes it.

Tutaan criticizes government and we know he’s not CPP NPA NDF.

All he is is ignorant and unprincipled.

In closing, maybe General Tutaan can bring clarity to a situation that’s been clouded with unnecessary clutter by demanding from the candidate he trusts- the Vice President-TO CONDEMN THE CPP NPA NDF.

Something every Filipino should do- more so a Vice President who’s had the audacity to ask that we trust her with the highest Office of the land and YET something she REFUSES TO DO.

How about it, General Tutaan?

Will you stand with us in our shared ground of love for country and DEMAND this from the VP or will you, like the VP you support, make laughable excuses that make it crystal clear to our people who the real traitors are?


Undersecretary Lorraine Marie T. Badoy

NTF ELCAC Spokesperson for Sectoral Concerns

12 April 2022

Source: National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict