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HomeEntertainmentCultureCinco de Noviembre: The Day Negros Bluffed Its Way to Freedom

Cinco de Noviembre: The Day Negros Bluffed Its Way to Freedom

Every November 5 is celebrated as Negros Day and it is a non-working holiday in the province of Negros Occidental by virtue of Republic Act 6709 which took effect in February 10, 1989.

Popularly known as Al Cinco de Noviembre, this day is celebrated to commemorate the Negrenses’ revolt against the Spanish colonizers on November 5, 1898. The uprising led to the surrender of the Spanish troops in the province and the establishment of the short-lived Negros Republic reuniting Negros Occidental and Oriental.

Silay: Cradle of Negros Revolution

The Spanish government and friars in Silay did not initially suspect that the sugar barons would participate in an uprising against Spain since they enjoy the same social privileges as the Spanish elite. But in the guise of parties and gatherings, these hacenderos are planning a revolution and joined the revolutionary committee in Negros. Nicolas Golez was the Deputy Military Commander, Melecio Severino was the Secretary General and Leandro Locsin was their fundraiser and Treasurer.

The “Farmacia Locsin” was the donation center for the donors of the revolution. To protect the identity of the donors, Locsin would use a code in medical term. The name of a medicine and the donations were written in grams… Jarabe de Limon, 500 grams; Jarabe de Ipecoacana, 50 grams.

The revolutionary council in Negros were closely coordinating with their Iloilo comrades. Upon the request of the Iloilo revolutionary council to start hostilities against the Spanish forces, General Aniceto Lacson of Talisay rode to Silay on November 3 and there they agreed that the uprising should begin on November 5, 1898.  Lacson was to lead the revolutionists from the north and Juan Araneta was to lead the revolutionist from southern Negros.

On November 5 in Silay, as the revolution began to spread, Lt. Maximiano Correa, commanding the Spanish garrison, who had ten Spanish cazadores ( “hunters”) and seven Filipino civil guards. The municipal building was surrounded by the townspeople who were determined to burn down the building should the Spanish forces resist. Silay parish priest Eulogio Saez, businessman Juan Viaplana, and Jose Ledesma persuaded the Spanish forces to surrender. However, in order to save face, the lieutenant requested that it would be appear on official record that the capitulation was a result of a bloody battle.

The Bluff: Bamboo Mat Cannons from Bago

On November 5 in Bacolod, the governor of the province, Isidro de Castro, sent a force of 25 cazadores and 16 civil guards to engage the rebels seen camping near the Matab-ang River. The Spanish forces eventually withdrew leaving two dead from their troops. Governor de Castro decided to make their final stand in the Bacolod Convent (presently the Bishop’s Palace) where hundreds of Spanish families had taken refuge.

In the morning of November 6, the rebels from the north led by Lacson and Gólez approached advanced to Bacolod crossing Mandalagan river.



